Monday, April 19, 2010

Toddlers Week

Found some of these idea's from the book-The Diaper Bag Book for Toddlers

This week is about craft ideas or entertainment for your toddler. Things they can make or things you can make for them.

Bathtub Crayons
These thick and sturdy crayons are just right for toddlers.

Materials: Soap Flakes, Food Coloring, Ice Cube Trays

Add one teaspoon of food coloring to one cup of laundry soap flakes. (Not detergent)
Add water by the teaspoonful, stirring constantly until the soap dissolves into a paste.
Press the paste into ice cube trays.
Let dry for a few days, until hard.

Learning: Creativity

Egg Beater Bubbles
Let your toddler use an eggbeater in the tub or tabletop with a dishpan. (Hand held eggbeater)

Materials: Hand-operated eggbeater and bubble bath

Add a capful of bubble bath.

Learning: Sensory motor skills

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